Are you considering starting your own business? You have big plans but a small budget. Learn how to start out in the Marketplace. Presented by Stony Brook SBDC. Join us on ZOOM, you will receive the ZOOM link in the reminder email.
We’re bringing storytime home to you! Join us live for fun stories and songs every Wednesday morning online using Zoom. We will have a simple take and make craft to go along with the program on March 31!
Stony Brook Medicine Healthy Libraries: Sugars: Latest Findings on Artificial Sweeteners
Come join Stony Brook Medicine’s Healthy Libraries Program to discuss the difference between sugar and artificial sweeteners, the effects of each one on our health, and how we can substitute for healthier alternatives.
Enjoy the mobility, vitality, and peace of mind that this yoga practice can provide, while feeling fully supported in your chair.
Annyeong! Join us on Discord to watch and discuss the newest Kpop releases, also sign up for our new KPOP craft box and come to the Library to pick up a Kpop craft to do at home!
Kofi is going to be playing various video games with teens on our twitch channel!
Adults who are preparing to take the United States Citizenship Test are invited to join our weekly classes.