AGES 13-17
Youth Enrichment Services is proud to announce a new initiative through the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH).
to study
Join us for a fun storytime and craft in English and Spanish.
Use our templates or your own imagination to design and fuse together pixelated art!
BRIDGES is an outpatient system of care for young adults (16-25) who are at risk for or living with substance misuse and mental health issues.
*No se necesita tarjeta de biblioteca para registrarse.*
Explore government contracting and minority business opportunities, learn to create a marketing plan and explore financing options, including SBA programs and other alternatives for small businesses. Presented by Stony Brook SBDC
Watch and discuss your favorite animes, discover new shows, or just come for the comradery.
Si usted o alguien que conoce está enfrentando la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la demencia, u otra enfermedad crónica, nunca es demasiado temprano para hacer planes financieros.
Explore los fundamentos de la comunicación digital. Aprenda habilidades prácticas necesarias para conectarse y comunicarse de manera efectiva en línea. Se tocarán temas de correos electrónicos, redes sociales y aplicaciones de mensajería.